Try This Trick to Lose Weight

Trouble losing weight? Trouble keeping it off?

I dare you to try this. And if nothing changes in 90 days, you can return to doing things as you were. No harm, no foul.

1. Remove all foods that contain milk, cheese, or butter.

2. Reduce the amount of animal-based proteins(meat and eggs) to less than 10% of your caloric intake.

3. Let all of the produce you eat appear on your plate the way it did when it was harvested. In other words, not processed in any way. Cooking vegetables, legumes, and potatoes(tubers/roots) is okay.

4. Don’t eat carbohydrates UNLESS they are in their original form as mother nature created them. Of these, you can eat as many as you like. Syrup and refined sugars are the problems, not whole fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

The reason why this kind of eating plan works is because of the nutrient density of foods when consumed in this manner. Animal-sourced foods are extremely dense and packed with nutrients, while produce is comparatively low in nutrients. By consuming a whole-food diet where ALL of the plant fiber remains intact, you will find that it is the intact fiber itself that is the caloric rate limiting mechanism that will keep you from consuming too many nutrients. This will also eliminate all processed junk foods from your plate.

Continue further if you would like to understand why this works…

Nutrient density is the problem. Our body needs just the right amount of all of the good stuff. Not too little, and not too much.

Overnutrition, or consuming an excess of nutrients or calories, can lead to several health problems, including:

  1. Obesity: Consuming more calories than the body needs can cause weight gain and eventually lead to obesity, which is a major risk factor for several chronic diseases.
  2. Type 2 diabetes: Overconsumption of calories, especially from simple carbohydrates and sugars, can lead to insulin resistance, a condition where the body can’t use insulin effectively. This can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.
  3. Cardiovascular disease: A diet high in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, and salt, and low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and atherosclerosis, all of which increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  4. Fatty liver disease: Overnutrition can cause the liver to store excess fat, leading to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which can progress to more serious liver damage.
  5. Certain cancers: Overnutrition can also increase the risk of certain cancers, such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
  6. Kidney disease: Consuming excessive amounts of protein can put a strain on the kidneys, leading to kidney disease and kidney stones.

The answer. Nutrient Restriction.

Caloric restriction refers to reducing calorie intake while maintaining proper nutrition to promote better health and longevity. Here are some potential benefits of caloric restriction:

  1. Increased lifespan: Studies in animals have shown that caloric restriction can extend lifespan by up to 50%.
  2. Improved metabolic health: Caloric restriction has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
  3. Reduced inflammation: Caloric restriction may reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with many chronic diseases.
  4. Improved brain function: Caloric restriction has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
  5. Delayed aging: Caloric restriction has been shown to delay many age-related changes, including oxidative stress and DNA damage.
  6. Protection against age-related diseases: Caloric restriction has been shown to reduce the risk of many age-related diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.


My Big T.O.E.

Welcome to “My Big Theory of Everything.”

I am an Autodidact and Systems Engineer. An autodidact is someone who is self-taught and a systems engineer is someone that stands back and examines the engineering and management of complex systems, ensuring that all parts are working together towards the common core of the whole system function.

Being the person that I am, as defined above, I by nature began studying the human body and its functionality when my body presented itself as a complex system that was not functioning properly roughly 5 years ago. When I knew that there was something wrong I took my built-in abilities and applied them to my(human) body. And so naturally, I began studying human physiology and disease pathology.

I wanted to understand how the human body functioned from head to toe, or nose to tail. Beyond that, I also wanted to understand what disease is and how I had landed myself in a state of disease.

I was not ignorant to the fact that my lifestyle choices, for many years were at the core of why my body was no longer functioning properly. I, like most people, was living in denial of what my body inherently knew was a more excellent way. I, like most people, simply liked my junk foods, alcohol, and tobacco products. But the time came when I needed to start making more sober-minded decisions with my body or my body was going to kick me to the curb. My body was in pain and no amount of pain relief was working anymore.

The first thing I did was get sober in 2016. A little over a year later, in 2017, I removed refined sugar, candy, junk food, fast food, and pretty much anything that wasn’t made fresh. And in 2018, I finally, once and for all, walked away from all things nicotine.

This was a good start towards working on, “My Big T.O.E.”

In the midst of that process, I began studying human physiology and disease pathology on a daily basis. That was a tough row to hoe considering I had no formal training on the topics prior to my body crying out for help. But being an autodidact and systems engineer made that doable. All I had to do was learn what all of the strange words in the texts I was reading meant. That took quite a while, and I am still learning every day, but it has all been worth the work. Worth its weight in gold.

All the while I kept a working journal of my progress and a log of all the different sources that I had been researching to form my understanding. I even created a website to keep it all in a chronological listing of my studies and thought processes from 2018 through 2020, located at

In September of 2018 also started the website,, as a place to journal my thoughts for an upcoming publication by the same name. Chew Digest. As of 2022, I have already published one volume and will continue publishing subsequent volumes as I continue to develop, “My Big T.O.E.”

Want to read more about “My Big T.O.E.?” Go Here to read more.

What is, “My Big T.O.E.?”

Part II: The reason for, “My Big Theory of Everything.” What is My Big T.O.E.? Let me try and sum it up for you.

That we humans are, in some sense, a plot of topsoil that decided it was no longer comfortable just sitting around in a picturesque garden. A plot of topsoil that resolved to get up off the face of the Earth so that it could see the world. And so it worked really hard to reshape itself into a form that would be good at walking about the face of the earth that had once been its home.

It built itself a rugged framework of calcium and an external lipid bi-layer out of its immediate elements to hold itself together and equipped itself with a minimal set of sensory organs that would be necessary to make upright bi-pedal movement a possibility. This of course took a lot of will and many millions of years, a lot of trial and error, but eventually, it paid off and patience found success. What we today call modern man.

What should a modern man eat? The same thing that a plot of topsoil would eat to remain alive and active. Primarily produce consisting of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. Whatever would be consumed by the micro-organisms that live in topsoil are also beneficial for life as a human. Plant-based whole foods. Why? Because those same micro-organisms we find in the topsoil of the Earth are also found within the innermost parts of our digestive tract. As above; so below. Out of the Earth, we came. From the Earth, we are made, and to the Earth, we will return.

Next time someone tells me that I am special, I will remind them that I am just dirt…8). In the meantime, I am here in this body for a number of years defined by terms like lifespan, healthspan, and life expectancy. Our lifespan is around 120 years. Our current health span is about 63 years. And our current life expectancy is about 78.5 years. To me, this is a problem that needs solving, in my mind sooner than later considering I am only 13 years away from that health span number of 63.

I am writing about this because it should be obvious that we have failed to grasp exactly what it takes to get to a full lifespan with a healthspan that aligns with one another. If we could match these two number’s up we could ditch the term life expectancy altogether. So why are we failing so badly?

I would like to suggest that we are failing because we are not yet in possession of a true understanding of just what a human body is and what it is made of. That it is still just as much of a mystery, as a whole creature, as it was 200 years ago. That what it is we are missing is a practitioner that can provide us with a more accurate understanding of the nature of who we are, why we are here, what our purpose is, and to what end?

We’ve got an amazing selection of medical and scientific professionals that can tell us many things about the area of their specialty, but what about a grand orchestrator over all of these specialized concentrations of knowledge. A person that’s purpose would be to interact with all of these areas of specialty that could understand how they all interact with each other and where excesses or deficiencies in each individual system could negatively hinder the overall progress of the whole creature. Someone like the conductor of an orchestra.

So back to my original premise. What if we are simply an extension of the topsoil we grow our foods in? What would that mean for us? To me, it could make it much easier for us to better understand the true nature of man and how to better serve man with an understanding of life that would allow us to not only live a longer life but also appreciate a fuller one by simply treating our body according to its nature. A plot of topsoil that just happened to change its shape and appearance.

holon (Greek: ὅλον, from ὅλος, holos, ‘whole’ and -ον, -on, ‘part’) is something that is simultaneously a whole in and of itself, as well as a part of a larger whole. In other words, holons can be understood as the constituent part–wholes of a hierarchy…something that has integrity and identity while simultaneously being a part of a larger system; it is a subsystem of a greater system. –Wikipedia

Ever find yourself feeling significantly better after walking barefoot across a field of grass? Ever wonder why this practice of walking barefoot in contact with the Earth makes us feel more at one with nature? I imagine it has something to do with the true nature of who we are and what we are made of according to, “My Big T.O.E.” Something that we somewhere forgot about along the road of progress toward who we are today.

Think about it for a moment. If we are from the Earth and all of our being is made up of the same stuff as the topsoil of the Earth, being in direct contact with it should not only be re-energizing, but it would also in a sense be a family reunion for those things living within us and the topsoil beneath our feet. To me this makes sense. At least we could then come to a better understanding of how to better address our healthspan problems. We could then simply look at the topsoil around us for answers to some of these deeper questions.

In some sense, we are the Earth and the Earth is in us as much as we are in it. Maybe this is the missing link that will ultimately help us better live our fullest life. A full lifespan of 120 years with a healthspan that matches that 120 years. And then who knows. Maybe we will find out as a result that we are not limited to 120 years.