What if…Regarding cancer, rather than trying to think outside the box, maybe we should be looking at it and wondering if it was ever a box to begin with.
What if…We have been looking at what we call cancer too closely and have missed the bigger picture. Focused too acutely on individual cells, or too deeply inside of them. That cancer needs to be observed like a forest…From a distance.

What if…The majority of human disease is simply septic in nature or toxin based in origin?
Is there anyone historically that has attempted to cure cancer, not at the individual level, but at a multi-generational/genetic level? Seeking gains at the multi-generational level.
What if…There were no such thing as genetic lines of disease?
What if…Disease were simply a continual passing down of bad alimentary habits passed from one generation to the next resulting in the same malady in both parent and child?
-Michael J Loomis