Got Pee?

Middle of the night potty breaks getting in the way of a good nights sleep?

You might try reducing your protein intake in small steps. Most Americans in general, eat about double what the body actually needs even when eating a standard diet and working out regularly.

Fats and carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (CHO), and proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (CHON).

Our bodies can convert carbohydrates into glucose and fat. It can also convert fat into glucose. Our body has the ability to store excess glucose in the form of glycogen.

There is no storage options for excess proteins, so at night, the body strips off the nitrogen from the proteins so it can then convert the rest into glucose or fat for storage. Our body then passes the excess nitrogen out through the kidney along with plasma which…Makes you have to get up and pee throughout the night.